Welcome to our journey !

When we started out seven years ago in 2017, we saw a huge problem in education sector that affected our personal lives as parents.

With the intention to provide the best possible education for our own children as well as for other children, we discovered a unique approach that could be a cutting-edge solution for child education in the 21st century.

Over the past seven years, despite facing numerous obstacles and operating in the extremely challenging environment of Burma/Myanmar, our perseverance paid off. We successfully supported hundreds of children and their families, while generating over 1.1 billion MMK (approximately 17 million THB) in revenue.

Today, we invite you to join us in discussing our aspirations and goals to elevate our work to the next level by achieving 15 times the impact of our previous efforts in Burma. This includes generating positive social impacts, merit/goodness (puñña), perfections of character (paramis), and revenue. We believe this is achievable, especially if you are interested and willing to partner with us on this journey of good deeds, puñña, and paramis together.

Would you be interested in considering this?